Term Dates
(This page is regularly updated with future events and details as plans are made. )
Thurs 3rd Church Service Harvest Festival (children only) 2 pm
23rd and 24th Y6 Bikeability
Fri 25th PFTA Halloween Disco (school hours)
28th - 1st School Closed - Half Term
Mon 4th Inset day - school closed
Wed 7th Prospective Parents meeting and tour 9.05am
Thur 8th PTFA Non-Uniform Day donations for bingo/raffle
Mon 11th Church Remembrance Service (children only) 2 pm
Wed 13th Parents Learning Conferences 1.00 - 7.00 pm
Fri 15th Children in Need
TBC PTFA Bingo 6-8 pm
Thurs 21st Class 4 Sharing Assembly (Parents invited) 2.45 pm
27th - 4th Book Fair
27th PTFA Wreath Making Workshop 6-8 pm
Sun 1st PTFA Winter Market and Raffle @ Village Hall
Thurs 4th Prospective Parents meeting and tour 9.05 am
Tues 10th YR, Y1 and Y2 Nativity 9.20 am
Piano Recital pm
TBC Christingle Church Service (children only) 2 pm
Wed 18th Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
Thurs 19th PTFA Winter Disco (school hours)
23rd - 3rd School closed (Christmas break)
Mon 6th First day of spring term
Thurs 23rd Class 3 Sharing Assembly (Parents invited) 2.45 pm
Thurs 6th Class 2 Sharing Assembly (Parents invited) 2.45 pm
TBC PTFA Non-Uniform and Disco
17th - 21st School closed - Half Term
MARCH 2025
TBC PTFA Mother's Day Shop
Thurs 6th World Book Day Dress Up
Wed 12th Parents Learning Conferences 1.00-7.00 pm
TBC PTFA Mother's Day Afternoon
19th - 24th Book Fair
APRIL 2025
TBC Church Easter Service
TBC PTFA Easter Egg Hunt (during School time)
7th - 21st School closed
Tues 22nd First day of summer term
Fri 25th PTFA Meeting at 9.05 am
MAY 2025
Thurs 1st Class 1 Sharing Assembly (parents invited) 2.45 pm
Mon 5th School closed - Bank Holiday
12th-15th SATs
TBC PTFA Non-Uniform Day
26th - 30th School closed - Half Term
JUNE 2025
Mon 2nd Inset day- school closed
TBC PTFA / Village Fete
Thurs 5th KS1 Running Races 1-2 pm
KS2 Running Races 2.15-3.15 pm
Wed 18th KS2 Production (Parents invited) 9.15 am and 3.30 pm
TBC PTFA Father Figure's shop
TBC PTFA Father Figure's afternoon
23rd-25th Class 4 residential to Mersea
JULY 2025
Thurs 3rd Family picnic/Sports Afternoon
Wed 9th Year 6 Enterprise Event 3.15 pm
Thurs 10th Family picnic/Sports Afternoon (alternative date)
TBC PTFA End of Year Disco
Wed 16th Leavers Celebration Afternoon (parents invited) school time pm
Year 6 Leaver's Fest (class 4 invited) 3.15 pm
Fri 18th Last day of summer term
Mon 21st Inset day- school closed
Tues 22nd Inset day- school closed
Wed 23rd Summer Break